I mean God having given direct instruction to man, recording and overseeing His Word that is, how could anyone think differently? A Psychologist once stated that “No Culture will ever rise above its standard of men.” Meaning that despite what Hollywood movies may push, or regardless of a communities faith, or religion, that where the […]
What do we find in the rarely quoted Old Testament books of Nahum and Obadiah?
“Root of Bitterness” – Nahum and Obadiah – November 10th 2013 From the “Minor Prophets” series, we look at Gods leading, protection and our watching we have no “root of bitterness”.

SUICIDE? DEPRESSION? ANXIETY? PARANOIA? Who do you know that faces such things daily and who may need to hear the truth? This past week has been a reminder of the pain and hurt people face and carry, and while we may feel it best to post the beauty and joy in life, it was while […]
End times? When sin is done away with? New Jerusalem?

Many are afraid to read The Book Of Revelation! Many think it is to difficult to understand, and that there has been so much controversy coming out of the understandings of it, that it is best left alone. Many think it is to difficult to understand, and that there has been so much controversy coming […]
Do you “Seek First The Kingdom”?

“Seek First The Kingdom” – Luke 13:10-21 – Branches Church HB – May 28th 2017 As believers, now that we have been “hidden in Christ” do we continue to “Seek first The Kingdom”? Why would Jesus call us to do this, and if we do or don’t, will it make a difference? “In this message, Brian Sumner […]
Evangelism, a lost art?

“Missions exists because worship doesn’t” writes John Piper. And how true this statement is. At a time when the American church, often looks more like a launching pad for Entrepreneurial Pastors, a place to set trends, or as competing arenas for filling seats, is it possible we have missed what we find at the […]
The “Transfiguration”. Luke 9:27-37.

Having just performed many miracles, and then asking the disciples who they say Jesus is, we see that they are shaken to the core, as Jesus begins to reveal His journey towards The Cross. So many supposed Messiahs have come and gone, with many of them dying, even being crucified. So what makes Jesus any different? […]
Based on Luke 8:40-56, we look at how “Jesus Restores”.

The Woman with the issue of blood, and Jairus’s daughter? What do we see in these stories that reveals the restoration Jesus brings? As we close out Luke chapter 8, Jesus raises a dead girl and heals a woman who was sick. Defying societal expectations, Jesus does a healing for two people on opposite sides […]
“Daughter” or “Son”, do you know who you are in Christ?

Do you truly know your worth in Christ? For many believers today, wether raised with-in the […]
Thoughts on “Marriage” from the first five chapters of the “Never Fails” book.
How is your marriage? Do you understand what marriage is? Are you struggling? Living with yourself as the center? Ready to give up? Considering divorce? Are you aware of Gods plan for not only your marriage, but your life? Not being raised in the faith, we were married, pregnant, and soon divorced. We had wrote […]
Wondering what the very end of the Bible says? We jump from Revelation 5 to Revelation 21-22 considering a believers arriving home.

A message from Cornwall England, on “suffering, and hard times”, found in “Job”.
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