Acclaimed Singer, Worship Leader and Pastor, Dominic Balli joins Brian to unpack Gods leading to discover and use his gift, while also being humbled, challenged and redirected as only God can do. All of our walks are a journey, one that begins and ends with God, but even when we think we aere following The […]

I mean God having given direct instruction to man, recording and overseeing His Word that is, how could anyone think differently? A Psychologist once stated that “No Culture will ever rise above its standard of men.” Meaning that despite what Hollywood movies may push, or regardless of a communities faith, or religion, that where the […]
Closed out November at the Christ City Conference unpacking Marriage, Day of Atonement and The Holy Spirit.
What do we find in the rarely quoted Old Testament books of Nahum and Obadiah?
“Root of Bitterness” – Nahum and Obadiah – November 10th 2013 From the “Minor Prophets” series, we look at Gods leading, protection and our watching we have no “root of bitterness”.
Marriage Ministry, Skate Outreach, and Church Services this weekend in Payson, Arizona.
Come out this Friday night at 7pm for marriage seminar, with Brian and Tracy Sumner at THE WORD. It is free of charge and nursery will be provided. 208 S McLane Rd.
Marriage Series launch in Arizona!

Saturday and Sunday my wife and I were able to share at our good friends church. We helped launched a marriage series, a six week one they had based on our recent book. As the night was over and even the next day people were talking about canceling the divorce papers they had filed, about […]
Romans 2, as Paul writes to believer’s, addressing their judging, holding to the law, circumcision and more. † Click to watch!

Romans 2:17-29 “But if you call yourself a Jew and rely on the law and boast in God 18 and know his will and approve what is excellent, because you are instructed from the law; 19 and if you are sure that you yourself are a guide to the blind, a light to those who are in darkness, 20 an instructor of the […]
Looking forward to sharing and encouraging at Living Word Bible Church, Mesa, AZ.
Finally! The “Never Fails” 30 Day Marriage Devotional is available for pre-order.
Hows your marriage? All working out? Is it causing you to grow, consider, die to self? It should be. Many of you know our story, we were married, had a child, then divorced. Soon after that we came to faith, and God restored our marriage, but that did not mean marriage was easy. It […]
Recent Article on “Fatherhood and Marriage” for I Am Second! Click on the image.
Thankful the marriage book I am writing is entering the final editing stages, and this years outreaches and mission are coming together. †
Do our plans really include God? Recent message as we head into 2015!

Thank you to ABC church. Great weekend with you guys. God Bless †
Raising Ministry support!
So thankful for this opportunity. I’m writing this post today to ask for your support in this new venture of my stepping out to do full time ministry into Huntington Beach Ca and beyond. In 2004 when I got saved I still had many big sponsors and was able to use that money and even […]
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