Are you eager to get into a deep and direct study, unpacking Gods Word line by line? Join us as Brian jumps into the scriptures, bringing out truths that only encourage your walks.
Can we boldly pursue God, inquiring, asking, even petitioning Him? From standing before a burning bush in confusion and fear, asking God to send someone else, we now find Moses fighting on behalf of the Israelites and knowing God intimately enough to be certain that He will respond in love. It is out of God’s good pleasure toward Moses and Moses’ desire for the […]
The Ten Commandments!

What would culture look like if we actually honored the Ten Commandments? Are they outdated? Has God done away with them? Are we under them, in such a way that if we break one there […]
The Crucifixion!

The Crucifixion? How important is it to your life, or greater yet, your eternity? Are we really good people? Do we really have everything figured out and are we content with the world-view we have been exposed to growing up? Would everything change were we to come face to face with the reality that Someone, […]
Is God an “Angry God”, eager to pour out His Wrath, with no concern for His Promises?

“Angry God” – 1 Samuel 15:1-3 – July 10th 2016 Richard Dawkins has made millions and continually travels the world depating people based on his understanding of The God of The Old Testament. Pointing to His anger, wrath, and the genocide of people groups. While we as humans all relate on the suffering of so many people, […]
What do we find in the rarely quoted Old Testament books of Nahum and Obadiah?
“Root of Bitterness” – Nahum and Obadiah – November 10th 2013 From the “Minor Prophets” series, we look at Gods leading, protection and our watching we have no “root of bitterness”.

SUICIDE? DEPRESSION? ANXIETY? PARANOIA? Who do you know that faces such things daily and who may need to hear the truth? This past week has been a reminder of the pain and hurt people face and carry, and while we may feel it best to post the beauty and joy in life, it was while […]
Do you “Seek First The Kingdom”?

“Seek First The Kingdom” – Luke 13:10-21 – Branches Church HB – May 28th 2017 As believers, now that we have been “hidden in Christ” do we continue to “Seek first The Kingdom”? Why would Jesus call us to do this, and if we do or don’t, will it make a difference? “In this message, Brian Sumner […]
Evangelism, a lost art?

“Missions exists because worship doesn’t” writes John Piper. And how true this statement is. At a time when the American church, often looks more like a launching pad for Entrepreneurial Pastors, a place to set trends, or as competing arenas for filling seats, is it possible we have missed what we find at the […]
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New Completes for your kids, in the store!
The “Transfiguration”. Luke 9:27-37.

Having just performed many miracles, and then asking the disciples who they say Jesus is, we see that they are shaken to the core, as Jesus begins to reveal His journey towards The Cross. So many supposed Messiahs have come and gone, with many of them dying, even being crucified. So what makes Jesus any different? […]
Elijah, his plans, and The Lords? Sermon on 1 Kings 19. †

Recent message through our series on Genesis. Here in Genesis 2 we tackle creation, mans purpose, how Gods Word lays the foundation for life. Even addressing the issue of marriage.

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