“Daughter” or “Son”, do you know who you are in Christ?

Do you truly know your worth in Christ? For many believers today, wether raised with-in the […]
Thoughts on “Marriage” from the first five chapters of the “Never Fails” book.
How is your marriage? Do you understand what marriage is? Are you struggling? Living with yourself as the center? Ready to give up? Considering divorce? Are you aware of Gods plan for not only your marriage, but your life? Not being raised in the faith, we were married, pregnant, and soon divorced. We had wrote […]
Elijah, his plans, and The Lords? Sermon on 1 Kings 19. †

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month!

Suicide Prevention Awareness Month! Yes, it is, and how significant is it? I am not one for politics in particular, but if I were to run for President, (which would be impossible as an English man, who is now an American Citizen) one of my main focuses would be Suicide! Not only because I am […]
Marriage Ministry, Skate Outreach, and Church Services this weekend in Payson, Arizona.
Come out this Friday night at 7pm for marriage seminar, with Brian and Tracy Sumner at THE WORD. It is free of charge and nursery will be provided. 208 S McLane Rd.
Angry God? Does He wipe people out? Why was the earth flooded?

Does God seem angry to you? Why does there seem to be so much more anger, hurt, death in The Old Testament? Is that the case? What about the death of men, women, even children? What about the flood? What about what people refer to today as Genocide? Even Richard Dawkins himself preaches […]
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